Font Size
font-xs | font-size: 0.5rem; |
font-sm | font-size: 0.75rem; |
font-base | font-size: 1rem; |
font-md | font-size: 1.25rem; |
font-lg | font-size: 1.5rem; |
font-xl | font-size: 2rem; |
font-2xl | font-size: 2.5rem; |
font-3xl | font-size: 3rem; |
font-4xl | font-size: 4rem; |
font-5xl | font-size: 5rem; |
font-6xl | font-size: 6rem; |
font-7xl | font-size: 7rem; |
font-8xl | font-size: 8rem; |
<h2 class="font-2xl">Subtitle</h2>
Font Weight
font-reg | font-weight: 400; |
font-med | font-weight: 500; |
font-bld | font-weight: 700; |
<i class="font-bld">
The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. - Sun Tzu
Text Align
text-left | text-align: left; |
text-right | text-align: right; |
text-center | text-align: center; |
<h1 class="text-center font-8xl">Title</h1>
Text Transform
uppercase | text-transform: uppercase |
lowercase | text-transform: lowercase |
capitalize | text-transform: capitalize |
<p class="uppercase">boom!</p>
Text Decoration
decor-none | text-decoration: none; |
decor-underline | text-decoration: underline; |
decor-line-through | text-decoration: line-through; |
And visit
<a class="decor-none" href="mycoolwebsite.com" target="_blank">
my cool website
for more info.
Text Decoration Thickness
decor-0 | text-decoration-thickness: 0; |
decor-1 | text-decoration-thickness: 1px; |
decor-2 | text-decoration-thickness: 2px; |
decor-4 | text-decoration-thickness: 4px; |
decor-6 | text-decoration-thickness: 6px; |
decor-8 | text-decoration-thickness: 8px; |
List Style Type
list-none | list-style-type: none; |
list-disc | list-style-type: disc; |
list-decimal | list-style-type: decimal; |
list-circle | list-style-type: circle; |
<ul class="list-none">
<li class="decor-line-through decor-2">Milk</li>